Eating disorder therapy online in Florida: how it works

Very often, people will wonder how eating disorder therapy online in Florida works.

For the most part, people seem to understand the logistics behind telecounseling: log in online, click on the HIPPA-approved link, and start connecting for your session.

How to prepare for Eating disorder therapy online in Florida

Image of a scale as a plate and silverware. If you're looking for eating disorder therapy online in florida, we can help!

If you happen to find yourself to be easily distracted, we recommend setting an intention before the session and tuning in with yourself to be mindful of what is happening within me and around me. What can I smell, touch or hear?

We also recommend finding the best spot in your home and sometimes your car to have your session. Wearing headphones can also increase privacy and mindfulness.

is Eating disorder therapy online in Florida effective?

All logistics aside, I often get asked how effective virtual counseling for eating disorders is.

First and foremost, we follow an evidenced-based approach which means our counseling interventions are taken from modalities and strategies that science has proven to work.

Image of a person on a scale. | Getting eating disorder therapy online in Florida has never been easier!

In addition, each treatment is tailored to the client’s specific presentation and diagnosis.

For example, in some cases, we may have to schedule virtual meal assistance or grocery shopping assistance. Some clients join us from Orlando, Jacksonville, Miami, and Tampa.

We want to cater to clients who have busy schedules due to traveling, school activities, practice, sports tournaments, work meetings, and children.

This keeps you from getting in and out of traffic, saves your time, and take care of yourself.

You don’t need to interrupt your schedule for two hours due to traffic. You also get to stay in a familiar and comfortable environment.

We understand there can be different levels of care for an eating disorder, sometimes, it may require complete medical assistance for refeeding, flight risk, or bed rest. In those cases, an in-person treatment center is appropriate.

How do we determine which level of care is appropriate?

During our first meeting, our counselor will assist you with filling out an assessment, taking your history with symptoms, your relationship with food and your body, collecting medical labs, and goals for treatment. This initial session will help us determine the level of care appropriate for you.

We know you are a great fit for outpatient when you are motivated for recovery, you show a willingness to cooperate, you have great insight, and you are able to control obsessive thoughts.

Image of a woman in a mirror looking bigger than she actual is. Reach out to us for help with your eating disorder therapy online in Florida.

One of the key indicators that you are ready for outpatient care is that you are self-sufficient. Even though you are struggling with symptoms, you can manage your compulsive thoughts/ behaviors. You are also able to reduce your eating disorder behaviors ( purging, restricting, over-exercising, binging) without someone monitoring you.

If we recommend a level of care outside of what we can offer, we would walk you through it until we find you a more suited and appropriate level of care.

If you are appropriate for an “outpatient” level of care, it means that you can carry on with daily activities such as work and school.

Online therapy for eating disorders allows you to continue to live the life you’ve built while reducing symptoms and maintaining your recovery.


With the support of an understanding therapist can address your eating disorder.

If you're ready to start eating disorder treatment at Balanced Mind Counseling, follow these steps:

  1. Call for a Free 15-minute Chat

  2. Schedule your appointment for online therapy for eating disorders

  3. Start healing your relationship with food and your body.


Don’t think that you have an eating disorder but still have some of the signs? We also offer disordered eating treatment. You can receive support whether you are in West Palm Beach or anywhere else in Florida through online therapy.


evidence based Online therapy for eating disorders in Florida


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