online counseling for Disordered Eating in Florida
Online in West Palm Beach & Throughout Florida
You Deserve to Be at Peace in Your body. you can feel better & live free
You've experimented with many diets, but the cycle of dieting has left you feeling frustrated and exhausted. You thought these diets would help but you're still struggling with thoughts of counting calories, checking your body, and checking the scale. Perhaps, when you do eat what you're "allowed," you feel guilty, anxious, and like you're eating too much. It's like no matter what diet or exercise routine you try, you just can't seem to get the results promised.
At the same time, you feel uncomfortable in your body and don't know what to say when family members make comments about your weight. Those comments make it feel like you need to be someone else to fit in. You want to feel at peace in your body and live free from the disordered eating cycle. However, you just don't know how to break the cycle.
What is Disordered Eating?
Disordered eating is the fraternal twin sister of clinical eating disorders. It requires no diagnosis because the symptoms do not meet the criteria for one. However, disordered eating presents with behaviors and thought patterns similar to those found in eating disorders. These behaviors and thought patterns can often take the form of a diet. It could be fasting, counting calories, checking your body or the scale too often, eating foods that you feel obligated to or restricted from, or engaging in binging and purging.
What are the Signs & Symptoms of Disordered Eating?
The signs and symptoms of disordered eating can vary greatly depending on the individual. Each individual's experience is unique and valid.
However, common signs and symptoms of disordered eating include:
Meal skipping
Constantly experimenting with new diets
Anxiety around certain foods
Rigid and excessive rituals around food and exercise
Preoccupation with food to the point of impacting the quality of one’s life
Chronic weight fluctuations
Obsessive calorie counting
Feeling guilt and shame associated with eating certain foods
Labeling food as "good" or "bad"
Feeling like you are losing control around food and overeating
Using exercise, purging, or fasting to “make up for” foods
These are just some of the signs and symptoms of disordered eating that I see as a therapist. It is important to remember that no matter what your experience with disordered eating looks like, there are treatment options available to help you break the cycle and find peace in your body. You deserve the support and care that you need to heal and create a life in which you feel comfortable and confident.
Let’s Work Together to Find Peace in Your Body
My passion for working with those suffering from disordered eating stems from my own experience. I have worked with many adults, women, and athletes who were struggling with disordered eating. Before beginning therapy, they felt stuck and helpless in the cycle of disordered eating. They felt that they would never feel at peace in their bodies again.
However, with the help of disordered eating therapy, these individuals were able to make meaningful changes in their lives. They were able to let go of behaviors they knew for so long and made small steps toward finding peace and balance in their lives.
You Deserve to Stop Obsessing About Food and Have Freedom From Dieting.
I developed a passion for working with those suffering from disordered eating due to my experience. I will be there to support and encourage you to take the steps necessary to break the cycle of disordered eating. Together we can work towards creating a life in which you feel free to live, eat and move your body in the way that is most meaningful to you.
My Approach as an online disordered eating therapist
I approach disordered eating by encouraging you to process the reasoning behind your desire to lose weight. We will explore what this would represent and who or what is reinforcing these ideas. Additionally, we will look at your successes during the times you have followed a diet along with what you disliked. We will also explore how disordered eating has been helpful to you and identify the voices or parts of you that want you to continue this behavior.
I will use evidenced based approaches such as exposure response prevention, emotion acceptance and interpersonal therapy that I have learned from my training as certified eating disorder specialist. I will also use integrative approaches such as Narrative Therapy, Internal Family Systems, Solutions Focused, and Intuitive Eating. This way, you can identify and address the sources of your disordered eating, gain an understanding of the motivation behind it, and start to develop healthy coping strategies for managing the urge to diet. During therapy, I will validate these parts of you and help empower you to work with them, rather than be afraid of them. This can make a huge difference in your ability to find the peace and balance you deserve.
Interested in Disordered Eating Treatment in West Palm Beach?
You don't have to rely on disordered eating behaviors to cope. A caring and understanding therapist can help you can feel at peace in your body and stop the cycle of dieting. Disordered eating treatment at Balanced Mind Counseling can help you feel free in the way you relate to food and your body. If you're ready to start your journey:
Schedule Your First Appointment
Begin Your Journey Toward Finding Peace in Your Body!
Other Online Therapy Services We Offer in Florida
Besides disordered eating treatment, we also offer a variety of other online therapy services. This includes eating disorder therapy, couples therapy, and stress and burnout therapy. Reach out today to see how we can support you.